About the project
idea to this project came to me while walking the
streets of Barcelona, seeing people with masks, being really cautious and many seeming insecure. At the moment, we have one crucial thing in common with
everybody we come across in the street: This crisis that we have to endure,
that has brought us into a situation that none of us had ever experienced
before. As a collective, we are experiencing a surreal, painful time. Nevertheless,
the way each person copes is influenced by their personal, individual
circumstances. I want to show these perceptions, emotions and opinions here on this page.
Languages: at the moment, there exist two master languages: English (which I feel is most univerally spoken and understood) as well as German, which is my mothertongue. Living in Spain at the moment I also want to do justice to the hundreds of millions of Spanish speaking people around the world, which is why I have tried to translate most content into Spanish as well.
Submissions: I have devised a questionnaire in German and translated it into English as well as Spanish. I have encouraged the participants to answer the questionnaire in the language they feel most comfortable with. I will publish all answers in the language they were submitted to me, but translate them into German and English (if need be). My translations will be published in ITALIC writing. Not being a professional translator, but just a person with a profound love of languages, I hope I can do the original texts justice.
Questionnaire: These are the questions that I asked the participants. Of these eleven questions I invited them to choose at least three.
How did you experience those final days in March before the lockdown? Were you in any way surprised by the developments?
With hindsight, would you say that the reaction and stream of actions of the government in your country was the right one?
- How did you organize your time in quarantine?
What did you miss the most?
- What was your greatest challenge?
Are you afraid? If so, of what exactly? (health scares, economic fear, social fear)
- Does the lockdown have any professional consequences for you?
Is there something positive that you can derive from this crisis? If so, what is it?
What about this time will stick in your memory especially? Maybe some special event / encounter / observation? What is it that you will tell your grandchildren one day when thinking back about this time?
- Do you think that the pandemic will have
long term effects on the world? Will society change?
- What are your own plans for the future (short term and long term)?